
Trusted Advisors

PsychArmor looks to our Trusted Advisors to help enrich our system of information about military and military-affiliated experiences. These partners help share our available resources, initiatives, and opportunities, as well as help us identify new curricula that the community needs.

Caring for Veterans Through the End of Life

Caring for Veterans Through the End of Life

Caring for Veterans Through the End of Life

Caring for Veterans Through the End of Life

Caring for Veterans Through the End of Life

Caring for Veterans Through the End of Life

Caring for Veterans Through the End of Life

Caring for Veterans Through the End of Life

Employer Support of the Guard & Reserve (ESGR)

Employer Support of the Guard & Reserve (ESGR)

Employer Support of the Guard & Reserve (ESGR)

Employer Support of the Guard & Reserve (ESGR)

Employer Support of the Guard & Reserve (ESGR)

Suicide Prevention For Military Connected Youth

Suicide Prevention For Military Connected Youth

Suicide Prevention For Military Connected Youth

Suicide Prevention For Military Connected Youth

Caring for Veterans Through the End of Life

Meagan MacGregor, MA

Suicide Prevention For Military Connected Youth

Suicide Prevention For Military Connected Youth

Active Working Groups

PsychArmor working groups are composed of experts in the field and practice who guide the direction of PsychArmor’s work. Working group members inform, advise, and share their expertise for specific, time-limited projects. With their subject matter expertise and lived experience, active working group members work together to ensure that we here at PsychArmor create content and resources that are relevant, impactful, and meaningful.

  • Join us for our 3-part series on Caring for Veterans Through the End of Life. Our courses aim to address the challenges faced by the military-connected community when it comes to end-of-life care for Veterans. Each course focuses on a specific audience - everyone, caregivers & loved ones, and healthcare providers - but all provide valuable insight into the unique needs of Veterans during this critical time. By the end of the series, you will have the knowledge and skills necessary to provide compassionate, loving, and respectful care to Veterans in their final days, regardless of your background or profession.

    Press Release

    Course Collection

  • Our new program in development, Suicide Prevention for Military-Connected Youth, will be designed to provide essential tools for parents and providers to support military-connected children and youth. Developed in collaboration with subject matter expert Dr. Gregory Leskin, Director NCTSN Military and Veteran Families and Children, and other trusted advisors, these courses and resource tools will address unique risk and protective factors associated with suicide in this community. Thanks to a generous private donor, we're able to offer this vital program to those who need it most.

    Press Release

  • This course is intended to help guide employers who hire or are looking to hire National Guard & Reserve members. During this course, we will discuss best practices pertaining to recruiting, training, and developing family support policies.