BTM187 - Vicky Perkins - Blue Star Families Support Circles  

About Today’s Guest

Vicky Perkins is a Navy Spouse and dedicated professional with a passion for supporting others. She brings a wealth of experience in non-profit organization management, excelling in Event Management, Program Management, Communication, Volunteer Management, Decision-Making, and Team Building. Her leadership encompasses diverse portfolios specializing in developing, evaluating, and scaling innovative pilot programs nationally and in collaboration with local communities, and her commitment is deeply rooted in serving military families. She passionately works towards positively impacting their lives and the communities they navigate, armed with a nuanced understanding of their challenges.

PsychArmor Resource of the Week

This week’s PsychArmor Resource of the Week is the PsychArmor course Suicide in Military Members And Veterans. Dr. Craig Bryan provides an overview of military suicide statistics and explains unique factors that may be related to increased rates in military suicide. You can find a link to the resource in our show notes. You can see find the resource here: 

Provide Feedback:

As a dedicated member of the audience, we would like to hear from you about the show. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts about the show in this short feedback survey. By doing so, you will be entered to receive a signed copy of one of our host's three books on military and veteran mental health. 

Episode Partner:

Are you an organization that engages with or supports the military affiliated community? Would you like to partner with an engaged and dynamic audience of like-minded professionals? Reach out to Inquire about Partnership Opportunities

Theme Music
Our theme music Don’t Kill the Messenger was written and performed by Navy Veteran Jerry Maniscalco, in cooperation with Operation Encore, a non profit committed to supporting singer/songwriter and musicians across the military and Veteran communities.

This Episode Sponsored By:
This episode is sponsored by PsychArmor, the premier education and learning ecosystem specializing in military culture content. PsychArmor offers an online e-learning laboratory with custom training options for organizations.

 Producer and Host Duane France is a retired Army Noncommissioned Officer, combat veteran, and clinical mental health counselor for service members, veterans, and their families.  You can find more about the work that he is doing at  


BTM186 - Julie Goldstein and Lisa Sabey - Supporting Parents of Children in Suicidal Crisis