BTM126 - Koby Langley - Red Cross Support for SMVF
Show Summary
On this episode of Behind the Mission, we feature a conversation with Koby Langley, Senior Vice President for Red Cross International Services and Service to the Armed Forces, about the resources and opportunities to serve provided by the American Red Cross.
About Today’s Guest
Koby Langley provides oversight and direction for American Red Cross programs around the world, with a focus on global elimination of measles and rubella, and international disaster preparedness, response, and recovery operations for communities in need. In addition, Langley oversees the worldwide support provided to service members, veterans and their families — the oldest congressionally chartered mission of the American Red Cross.
Working in coordination with the global Red Cross and Red Crescent network, the American Red Cross International Services provides critical support in Latin America,
Africa, Asia and Europe in some of the world’s most at-risk communities around the world. In addition, International Services helps to reconnect families separated by crises via participation in the global Restoring Family Links communication network, supporting almost 10,000 families a year. The Red Cross is also a key partner in the global effort to eliminate measles and Rubella, supporting 2 billion vaccinations since 2001.
Service to the Armed Forces provides critical services with a caring touch, from the moment a member of the military joins the ranks, throughout their military careers and long after they return home as veterans. Operating the largest integrated emergency and critical support case management system for military families in the world, the military counts on the Red Cross to provide emergency communications that link them with their families during a crisis – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Additionally, Service to the Armed Forces provides in-theater support to service members deployed overseas. Service to the Armed Forces leads volunteer activities on 180 locations on military installations, 171 Veteran Affairs facilities and provides Emergency Communication Assistance services to more than 80,000 Military members and their families a year.
Langley previously served as the Director of Wounded Warrior, Veteran and Military Family Engagement at the White House and the Senior Advisor for Wounded Warrior, Veteran and Military Family Initiatives for CNCS, leading the largest expansion of services, and grants for veterans and military families in Agency history.
In 2010 he was appointed to the Senior Executive Service at Department of Defense, where he worked as Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary and Senior Advisor for the Office of Wounded Warrior Care and Transition Policy. In 2009, Langley worked as a Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Department of Veteran Affairs, leading strategic communications and several constituency-based strategic planning portfolios.
In 2008, Langley was appointed to the Presidential Review Team for the Department of Veterans Affairs. From 2006 to 2008, Langley was the managing member of a litigation firm and worked as a Veteran organizer for the successful Congressional race of the first Iraq War Veteran elected to Congress.
During his military service, Langley was appointed as the first in-theater Foreign Claims Commissioner for Iraq; developed and published the first Foreign Claims Act Standard Operating Procedure in Iraq, and paid the first civil reconstruction claims during combat operations.
Langley conducted over 100 Foreign Claims Act and Laws of Armed Conflict missions/convoys in Iraq, and served as an Operational Law Attorney and Prosecutor for the 82d Airborne Division. Langley also served as a Litigation Counsel for the Army where he practiced with dozens of attorneys in the Department of Justice, assisting in successful litigation of over 150 cases. He is published in numerous national news outlets, and has conducted visiting correspondent interviews for Fox News and MSNBC.
Langley is a two-tour combat Veteran and Bronze Star recipient for meritorious service.
PsychArmor Resource of the Week
This week’s PsychArmor resource of the week is the Behind the Mission Podcast Episode number 34 highlighting the American Red Cross Miltiary and Veteran Caregiver Network. On this episode, we have a conversation with Melissa Comeau, Marine Corps Spouse and Director of the American Red Cross' Military and Veteran Caregiver Network, an organization that offers peer-based support and services to provide connection between those providing care to service members and veterans living with wounds, illnesses, injuries and/or aging. You can see find the episode here:
Links Mentioned In This Episode
American Red Cross Hero Care App
Red Cross Military and Veteran Caregiver Network
Theme Music
Our theme music Don’t Kill the Messenger was written and performed by Navy Veteran Jerry Maniscalco, in cooperation with Operation Encore, a non profit committed to supporting singer/songwriter and musicians across the military and Veteran communities.
This Episode Sponsored By:
This episode is sponsored by PsychArmor, the premier education and learning ecosystem specializing in military culture content. PsychArmor offers an online e-learning laboratory with custom training options for organizations.
Producer and Host Duane France is a retired Army Noncommissioned Officer, combat veteran, and clinical mental health counselor for service members, veterans, and their families. You can find more about the work that he is doing at